NJS – Forum of Nordic Railways Professionals is a network for you who are active in the Nordic railway industry. The association's activities are aimed at individuals as well as companies and other organisations. Regardless of whether you or your organization are a railway company, contractor, consultant, vehicle manufacturer, work with vehicle or track maintenance, or are an expert in a specific field, you are welcome as a member. What binds us together is a professional interest in the railway.


NJS' mission is to contribute to increased learning within the Nordic railway industry. To do this, NJS organise seminars and conferences that address and discuss current topics that affect the railways in one or more of the Nordic countries. NJS also arranges study visits and other gatherings, not least for members to meet and develop their networks within the Nordic railway industry. NJS also publishes the Nordics' leading railway periodical in the Nordics, Nordic Railway Journal (Nordisk järnbanetidskrift), with five issues per year. The periodical is an important channel that contributes to NJS' mission, to spread knowledge, ideas and opinions, both between the Nordic countries and between organisations in the Nordic railway industry.



NJS' activities are organised in four national departments, located in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Each department is made up of a national non-profit association that runs the business according to the legislation of the respective country. Overall, there is a Nordic board that coordinates and leads the common Nordic work within NJS. All four national departments are represented on the Nordic board. The presidency of the Nordic board rotates between the four countries in four-year periods. Denmark has currently the presidency of the Nordic board.


The national departments are responsible for the activities in respective country, such as recruiting of members and arranging of NJS’ seminars, conferences and study visits in their own country.

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